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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/02/05 Deliberative Session

TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF SUNAPEE, County of Sullivan, in the State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote in Town Affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet in the Sunapee Middle High School Gymnasium, located on North Road, in said Sunapee, on Tuesday, the 5th day of February, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. for the deliberative portion of the annual Town Meeting, to discuss Articles 2 thru 5 and to amend, if deemed appropriate, Articles 7 through 34, hereinafter set forth.  Final voting action on all articles took place by ballot on Tuesday, the 11th day of March, 2008, at the Sherburne Gymnasium, Route 11, in said Sunapee.  The polls were open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  There were709 votes cast from a total checklist of 2636 giving us a 28% turnout.

Moderator Harry Gale opened the Deliberative Session on Tuesday, February 6th at
7:00 p.m.  Harry Gale explained procedures for SB 2 voting.   He reviewed the following housekeeping items: no smoking in the building, and if there were an emergency he gave directions of exits.  He further explained that only registered voters would be allowed to speak with the exception of the following: Librarian John Walden & Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.   The moderator also noted that safety rules were posted in the back of the gym.  All amendments must be in writing, all questions are to be made to the moderator, certain articles are not amendable, but questions on these articles will be allowed, and all motions require a second.   The moderator asked for any questions.  The moderator stated his belief is that everyone that has something to say would be allowed to do so, although, personal attacks would not be tolerated. The moderator introduced the head table and the supervisors of the checklist.  Emma Smith led the voters in the Pledge of Allegiance and Alan Peterson sang the National Anthem and God Bless America.

*Denotes Winner
Article 1:  To choose all necessary Town Officers for the ensuing year.
Town Moderator                  *Harry Gale                             567 Votes
Selectman:                              *Stephen White                  484 Votes
Town Treasurer                  *Alan W. Doherty                        591 Votes
Fire Engineer                           *Mark B. Scott                  611 Votes
                                                *Daniel Ruggles                 632 Votes
Cemetery Commission:            *Norman Thomas Dalton           583 Votes
                                                *Robert M. Haselton                     582 Votes       
Library Trustee:                         Diane Caron Legendre           260 Votes
                                                *Steven R. Fair                 266 Votes
                                                *Lois A. Gallup                 572 Votes
                                                *Barbara B Chalmers                     482 Votes
                                                *Xan Gallup                             448 Votes
Supervisor of the Checklist             *Faith Webb Reney                       610 Votes
Trustee of the Trust Funds:             *Richard S. Quinlan                     570 Votes
Planning Board:                 *Peter White                            498 Votes
                                                *Peggy Chalmers                 491 Votes
Zoning Board of Adjustment:             *Alexander Kish                 509 Votes
                                                *Harry Gazelle                  553 Votes
Water & Sewer Commission                *Tracy Nangeroni                        553 Votes
                                                *Kurt Markarian                 529 Votes

Article 2:  Are you in favor of adoption of Amendment No. 1, proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Amend Article II, Section 2.30 - District Purpose and Description - by adding full written descriptions for each zoning district which are based on the official zoning map adopted in March 2000 and amended in March 2006?
*YES 521        NO 137

Article 3; Are you in favor of adoption of Amendment No. 2, proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Amend Article III, Section 3.50(c)  - Special Exceptions - by deleting this exception which allowed the ZBA to grant 50% reductions in side and rear setbacks on non-conforming lots, and  Article III, Section 3.10 - Table of Dimensional Controls - by adding a new table of setbacks that are not subject to ZBA review?
*YES 342        NO 302

Article 4:  Are you in favor of adoption of Amendment No. 3, proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Amend Article III, Section 3.50(b) - Special Exceptions - by deleting the current wording and replacing it with wording that will clarify the type and location of neighboring structures which must be used for comparison purposes when applications for a reduction in the front setback are made through the ZBA?
*YES 465        NO 178

Article 5:  Are you in favor of adoption of Amendment No. 4, proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Amend Article III, Section 3.50 - Special Exceptions - by adding a new section 3.55 that will add the requirement that the ZBA must find that the special exception is necessary to fairly utilize the lot, and that granting the special exception is consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance and Master Plan?
*YES 474        NO 168

Moderator Gale explained that articles 2-5 were not amendable but could be discussed if the body so desired.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.

Article 6:  To hear the reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer, Auditors, Committees, and/or other officers heretofore chosen.  
Emma Smith Chairperson of the Selectboard wished Deputy Town Clerk, Melissa Heino a Happy Birthday and thanked her for her four years of dedicated service.  Mrs. Smith thanked all who donate their time to the town, and exclaimed that she feels we are fortunate to live in such a wonderful town.  She also stated that we are fortunate to be the recipient of the best safety services team including our Highway Department, Water & Sewer Department, Fire Department and Police Department  Selectmen Steve White then spoke and thanked the School Board and Town Department Heads for being so frugal, this year for holding the line on spending.  

Article 7:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating, as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles nor other appropriations voted separately, the amounts as set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein totaling $5,368,116? Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $5,343,936 which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by the previous action of the Town of Sunapee or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.
Motion was made by Steve White and seconded by Fred Gallup.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 487        NO 192

Article 8:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $420,000 for the replacement of the Treatment Road Bridge and all expenses related to such, authorizing the use of up to $336,000 from the State Bridge Aid Fund, and authorizing the withdrawal of up to $84,000 from the Town Bridges Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 25 of the 2001 Town Meeting.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Fred Gallup and seconded Richard Leone.   Fred Gallup introduced Tony Bergeron to speak and he offered an amendment to read:  
Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $612,000 for the replacement of the Treatment Road Bridge and all expenses related to such, authorizing the use of up to $469,600 from the State Bridge Aid Fund, and authorizing the withdrawal of up to $142,400 from the Town Bridges Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 25 of the 2001 Town Meeting.  
Motion on the amendment was made by Richard Leone and seconded by Fred Gallup.  
Tony Bergeron, Road Agent explained after a thorough investigation of the bridge many defects were found.  At the  time the articles were first drawn he thought the bridge may be able to wait for summer but has shown increasing signs of deterioration at a rapid pace, and the problem is much worse than originally anticipated. This bridge is in serious need of repair and he urged all to support this article. Some repairs have been made to keep the access to the Treatment Plant available.   Doug Gamsby asked what type of bridge would be installed- Bergeron expects to put in concrete arch structure.  Bergeron explained the original bridge was installed in 1972 - life spans on these types of bridges are 25-30 years.  Guy Alexander questioned why we keep replacing bridges, and have not replaced the bridge on the westerly side of Lower Main St.  Mr. Alexander pointed out that all large trucks hauling o blacktop, gravel or any heavy loads have to go to the easterly end of Lower Main St. for access to North Rd.   Bergeron explained the bridge Alexander was questioning was the next scheduled bridge to be repaired, but the Treatment Plant Bridge has to take precedent.  Katrina Hill asked why estimated tax rate increases are not provided on each article.  Donna Nashawaty explained that the Town Attorney and DRA have cautioned us about doing this as it is not completely accurate. Nashawaty explained how to get an estimate - for every $105,000 raised about a 10 cent increase is created, and  if all articles pass we will see about a 9cent decrease.  
The moderator asked for additional questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 548        NO 136

Article 9:   Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $87,000 to be added to the Fire Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 33 of the 1984 Town Meeting?  
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Richard Leone and seconded Emma Smith.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 456        NO 223

Article 10:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $137,300 to be added to the Highway and Transfer Station Equipment Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 29 of the 1989 Town Meeting and as amended by Article 14 of the 2004 Town Meeting?  
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Emma Smith and seconded William Roach.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 438        NO 243

Article 11:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $25,000 to be added to the Town Bridges Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 25 of the 2001 Town Meeting?  
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by William Roach and seconded Steve White.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 510        NO 161

Article 12:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $6,000 to be used for designing the Harbor Loop Plan as defined in rough draft in the Charrette of the Old Town Hall plan?  
Motion was made by Steve White and seconded Fred Gallup.
Alan Peterson asked if this is for the one way loop proposal and indeed it is. Mary Epremian believes Tony Bergeron has the information on the loop that she drew going clockwise and this plan appears to be counterclockwise direction. Tony Bergeron explained that this should increase street parking and should make automobile and pedestrian traffic safer.  Bergeron further explained that if we went clockwise we would have traffic crossing each other - counterclockwise will alleviate this issue.  Bergeron wanted all to know that this is all in the planning stages.  Mrs. Epremian was also concerned about the boat launch and how difficult it is for boats to negotiate.  Arthur Osborne aired that he has tried this one way thing a few times and his opinion is; it will not work and will be difficult for larger emergency vehicles to make this turn.    Bergeron pointed out the original drawing of the Charrette showed an island which he is not in favor of.  Steve White urged people to look at the Charrette and to move forward with improving the Harbor.  Alan Peterson believes we should try it if nothing is written in stone, and if it does not work try something else.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 366        NO 305

Article 13:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $40,000 to be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund as established by Article 19 of the 2003 Town Meeting for the purpose of paving dirt roads throughout the Town?  
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Fred Gallup and seconded Richard Leone.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 422        NO 260

Article  14:   Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $160,000 to purchase and equip a new loader for the Highway Department, authorizing the sale or trade-in of the loader (H7), authorizing the withdrawal of up to $160,000 from the Highway and Transfer Station Capital Reserve fund, as established by Article 29 of the 1989 Town Meeting and as amended by Article 14 of the 2004 Town Meeting, and authorizing the use of said trade-in or sale to reduce the amount withdrawn from said fund?
 Motion was made by Richard Leone and seconded Emma Smith.   Peter Urbach commented on Capital Reserve Funds and feels at a disadvantage of what we are approving as voters, as we do not know how much is in each fund.  Mr. Urbach feels this is very complicated with the long list of Capital Reserve Funds.  Donna Nashawaty explained that last year the various departments spent many hours going over this issue and voters can find these amounts in the town report.   The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 427        NO 256

Article 15:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $7,000 to be added to the Used Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 23 of the 1997 Town Meeting, for the purpose of purchasing used highway equipment?
Motion was made by Emma Smith and seconded William Roach.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 458        NO 222

Article 16:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $25,000 to be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 11 of the 1999 Town Meeting?  
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by William Roach and seconded Steve White.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 450        NO 235

Article 17a:  Are you in favor of enabling the Town of Sunapee to purchase the lot next to the French Livery (Old Town Hall), identified as a portion of Tax Map 133, Lot 87, on Main St, containing 0.7 acres, currently owned by Sunapee Harbor Riverway Corporation?
Motion was made by Steve White and seconded by Frederick Gallup. Steve White spoke in favor of this article expressing that we should allow the library process to move forward. Mr. White discussed walking many pieces of property to decide what property would fit the needs of a library and he believes the harbor location fits the bill.  Rhonda Gurney, chairperson of the Library Building Committee introduced members; Lisa Bozogan, Lisa Meehan, Peter White, Faith Reney and Barbara Chalmers.   Mrs.  Gurney thanked the selectmen and several others for all the effort put forth on behalf of the library.  The Library Building Committee listened to many townspeople to choose the right site, and feels the Harbor is an area that fills the need of the new library.  The issue of parking came up, and Mrs. Gurney explained that a study was performed and when the hours the library is open is when Harbor traffic is low.  The plans call for 15-16 parking spaces.  Peter White explained this site speaks to a green building putting the library in an already developed site.  He explained that all sites they looked at had challenges but this one had much more going for it including adding to making the harbor area more vibrant.  Bruce Jennings stated he participated in the process of finding a site, and is a member of the planning board and when the planning board discussed this site they felt very comfortable as it fits into the master plan the town is trying to put together.  Arthur Osborne indicated he thought it looks like a pretty small site for a building of this magnitude.  If the one way street does not pass where are they going to park the cars?  Peter White explained this site can accommodate 15-16 parking spaces on site, regardless if the loop goes through and there is municipal parking.  Arthur Osborne felt over the last 6-8 years any other business has had to put in a required number of spaces, and the library does not have to.  Steve White said he worked on the parking committee and it was not an issue except couple times a year when it was really busy.  At the time the parking committee gave their report the Board of Selectmen decided that the spaces closest to harbor should have a 2 hour limit and have asked the police to monitor them.  John Augustine asked about the proposed kitchen, and asked if they plan to sell food and beverages.  Barbara Chalmers informed voters the kitchen was only for the children's craft area and public meeting area for coffee, tea etc.  No sales of food or beverages will take place on the premise.  Joan Hastings recalled one of the concerns from the former site was the children's safety and walking to and from the library.  Lisa Bozogan explained there is a side walk in place to this site and there is a crossing guard during school hours.  Doug Monroe said he is very aware of how much work time this building committee has spent to bring this plan forward, and  feels this is a lovely site and would bring life to the harbor.  Bill Roach commented on the harbor parking - the shops and restaurant have allocated parking spaces and the town rents the parking lot from Sunapee Harbor Riverway on the corner of Main and River Rd.  As in the past as he has voiced one of our big parking problems is when people come in early in the morning and leave their autos all day.  He hopes the Police Department will enforce the 2 hour parking rule.  Peter White informed voters that the Library Building Committee met with the Old Town Hall Committee and came away liking each other but did not want to marry.  It was the feeling the two buildings could compliment each other.   Kevin Rickard, Chairperson of the Old Town Hall Committee informed the body that his Committee did vote and to endorse this site for library.  Bruce Jennings wanted to give a perspective of what the planning board does for site parking, and took exception with the comment that the Library was treated differently than other projects.  John Mapley urged all to vote against this site as it is already too small for the purpose.  He feels Ski Tow Hill is the best. Peter White explained that this proposed library is smaller than the one that was proposed for the Ski Tow Hill site.  Eleanor Goddard did not dispute the fact that we need a new library but felt this is not the best site.  Peter White indicated the children's area should be acceptable with the time of day and the traffic pattern.   Mr. White said voters can be assured that the Library Building Committee will address all areas.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 353        NO 338

Article 17b:  Are you in favor of raising and appropriating an amount not to exceed
$4,640,000 for a new public library?  Details as follows:
o Authorizing the use of the following:
A)  $400,000 from private donations, to be solicited in a capital campaign by the Abbott Library Trustees, to enable the Town of Sunapee to purchase the lot described in article 17a contingent on 17a passing.

B)  For up to $4,240,000 to be spent by the Abbott Library Trustees for the design, construction, furnishing, and miscellaneous costs to build the library which shall come from the following sources:
                       a)  $3,885,000 from private donations to be solicited by the Abbott Library Trustees in a capital campaign, for design, construction, furnishing and miscellaneous costs to build the library.
                        b) $71,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund established in 1999 for this purpose and miscellaneous capital campaign sources.
                        c) $284,000 from capital campaign funds previously donated for the building of a new library, currently held by the Abbott Library Trustees.
This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7 VI and will not lapse until the associated work is completed or December 31, 2013, whichever occurs first.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Fred Gallup and seconded by Richard Leone.  Fred Gallup urged passage of this article.  Fred Gallup explained that some articles have recommendations and some do not. Only true special articles will have recommendations, any articles the selectmen have brought forward will not because if they felt strongly enough to put on the ballot they do not need to put recommendations on.  It is the opinion of the Board that people should make a decision and not be swayed by the Board of Selectmen.  Doug Gamsby asked if there was some language that can be put on the ballot that shows the selectmen are neutral.  Donna Nashawaty explained that the selectmen checked with many different entities and there are only a few things that can be printed on the ballot.  Only real special articles will have recommendations. Peter White asked if the recommendations on 17b will stay but 17a will not have a recommendation and the answer is yes.  Doug Monroe agreed with Doug Gamsby about why some have and some do not.  If you look at these articles for the first time and had not attended tonight's meeting it is confusing.  Mike Durfor spoke as a participant in the Charette, and describe the creating a park like atmosphere.  It should be something that we are very proud of and leave for future generations.  The Old Town Hall Committee is looking at grants to help restore the Old Town Hall - a building he feels is the heart and sole of the community.  He feels a lot of thought and effort have gone into the planning of this. It is his opinion that Old Town Hall, Lake Sunapee Protective Association and the Library would create a great cultural center and urged voters to support both articles.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 387        NO 312

Article 18:  To see if the Town will vote to establish a Revolving Fund for the provision of public safety services in connection with special events, highway construction and other projects in accordance with RSA 31:95-h.  This will allow deposits into the fund in the amount of revenues received from fees, charges or other income derived from the activities or services supported by the fund, as well as any other revenues approved for the fund.  Such funds may be expended for the payment of expenses and activities and services supported for the purposes for which the fund was created.  Revolving money may accumulate from year to year and is not considered part of the Town's general surplus.  All moneys in these revolving funds must be in the custody of the Town Treasurer, who shall pay out from the fund only upon orders of the governing body.  No further approval of the legislative body is required for the use of the funds.
Motion was made by Richard Leone and seconded by Emma Smith.  Police Cahill spoke in favor of this article as he speculates each year what they will need for dollars for special details, causing a deficit.  He will not have to create a line item each year - all detail money will go into the fund and removed as work is performed.  Peter Urbach is troubled by excessive amounts this account could accumulate.  He also does not agree with the governing body having all authority over this account and not the voters.  Donna Nashawaty explained the idea is to have very little left in this account annually and can only be used for safety services.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 429        NO 256

Article 19:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $17,000 to be added to the Police Patrol Vehicles Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 12 of the 2002 Town Meeting?  
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Emma Smith and seconded by William Roach.  Chief Cahill explained there is currently $17,000 in the account as they purchased two vehicles last year.  Chief Cahill feels three years is a good replacement rotation for police cruisers in Sunapee.
The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 403        NO 275

Article 20: Are you in favor of establishing a Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1, to restore and renovate the building at 58 Main Street known as the "livery", to raise and appropriate the sum of $29,534 from the December 31, 2007 General Fund Balance to be placed in this fund; and to appoint the Town Manager, under the direction of the Board of Selectmen, as agent to expend.  Note:  The amount designated represents the remaining balance of funds raised on the 2007 warrant to finance the charrette. The funds were not expended because the Old Town Hall Committee won a grant to pay for the charrette.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by William Roach and seconded by Steve White.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 427        NO 265

Article 21:  Shall we modify the elderly exemptions from property tax in the Town of Sunapee, based on assessed value, for qualified taxpayers, to be as follows: for a person 65 years of age up to 75 years, Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000); for a person 75 years of age up to 80 years, Fifty Five Thousand Dollars ($55,000); for a person 80 years of age or older, Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000)?  To qualify, the person must have been a New Hampshire resident for at least 3 years, own the real estate individually or jointly, or if the real estate is owned by such person's spouse, they must have been married for at least 5 years.  In addition, the taxpayer must have a net income of not more than Eighteen Thousand  Dollars ($18,000) or, if married, a combined net income of less than Twenty Seven Thousand  Dollars ($27,000), and own net assets not in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), excluding the value of the person's residence."  This article shall take effect for the 2008 property tax year.
Motion was made by Steve White and seconded by Fred Gallup.   Donna Nashawaty explained this would allow more of our elderly citizens to get assistance with their property tax bills, as several people are just above the limit now in place.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 589        NO 99

Article 22:  Are you in favor of adopting RSA  41:14-a which allows the Selectmen to acquire or sell land, buildings, or both, provided, however, that they shall first submit any such proposed acquisition or sale to the Planning Board and to the Conservation Commission for review and recommendation by those bodies, and that they shall hold at least two public hearings on the proposed acquisition or sale?
Motion was made by Fred Gallup and seconded Richard Leone.  This was something that was voted on last year and Steve White feels this is an injustice to the town.  He feels we should allow the selectmen to use their judgment if a piece of land becomes available during the year.  He urged voters to pass this article.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 453        NO 230

Article 23: Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $55,000 to defray the cost of running the water line on Jobs Creek Road.  These funds would be used to pay the Water Department.  
Motion was made by Richard Leone and seconded Emma Smith.
Doug Gamsby asked if this is to run new water lines or maintain water lines.  Fred Gallup explained the Granliden Community have opted to hook on to town water lines, and have paid for the bulk of expense. This will give the Water Department more permanent water supply to Garnet Hill Rd and more latitude to put in more hydrants for fire protection.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 369        NO 317

Article 24: Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $25,000 to purchase a new truck and related equip.m.ent for the Water & Sewer Department; authorizing the sale or trade in of the existing 1997 Ford Truck; authorizing the withdrawal of up to $25,000 from existing Water & Sewer Department fund balances and authorizing the use of said trade-in or sale to reduce the amount withdrawn from said funds?
Motion was made by Emma Smith and seconded William Roach.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 461        NO 211

Article 25 Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $50,000 for the upgrade of pump stations and to authorize the withdrawal of said funds from Sewer Department fund balance? This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until the work is completed or December 31, 2010, which ever occurs first.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by William Roach and seconded by Steve White.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 539        NO 138

Article 26: Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $40,000 for a Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan, to prioritize potential necessary modifications and report a recommended schedule and cost for Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements; and to authorize the withdrawal of said funds from Sewer Department fund balance?
Motion was made by Steve White and seconded Fred Gallup.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 495        NO 177

Article 27:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of  $4,050 to be placed in the Conservation Commission Fund, to be used for the acquisition and improvement of property, easements, and other interests in land within the Town, for the benefit of present and future generations, all in accordance with RSA 36-A?
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Fred Gallup and seconded Richard Leone.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 533        NO 140

Article 28:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $5,000 to be placed in the Milfoil Control Non-Capital Reserve Fund, as established by Article 16 of the 2002 Town Meeting?  
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Richard Leone and seconded Emma Smith.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 584        NO 97

Article 29:  (this article was removed prior to the warrant being posted but number has been skipped in order to avoid confusion)

Article 30:   Are you in favor of clarifying the purpose of the amount of $21,000 that was made by the adoption of Article 24 at the 2004 town meeting, as follows:  if this article passes, the appropriation as now amended shall be for the purpose of determining feasibility, plans, and costs to develop recreational facilities at the Ski Tow Hill property on Route 103B, and at the Dewey Woods Lot on Seven Hearths Road; the only change now being made to the original appropriation is that the recreational facilities at Ski Tow Hill are no longer in conjunction with the Library.  
Motion was made by Emma Smith and seconded by William Roach. Scott Blewitt Recreation Director explained the Recreation Department would like to explore ways to utilize this area and make it a safe place for all to enjoy. The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 389        NO 279

Article 31:  Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $4,050 to be added to the Cemetery Expendable Trust Fund, as established by Article 43 of the 1989 Town Meeting, and as amended by Article 33 of the 1991 Town Meeting, under the provisions of RSA 31:19(a) for the general maintenance and care of burial lots of the Cemeteries, and to authorize the transfer of said sum from the December 31, 2007, General Fund balance?
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by William Roach and seconded by Steve White.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 575        NO 103

Article 32:  Are you in favor of raising and appropriating  $300 from the December 31, 2007 general fund balance,  to be added to the Sunapee Beautification Fund (an expendable trust fund under the provisions of RSA 31:19-a)? These funds were received from private beautification fund donations in 2007.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Motion was made by Steve White and seconded by Fred Gallup.  The moderator asked for questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 591        NO 88

Article 33: To see if the Town will vote to approve the following resolution to be forwarded to our State Representatives, our State Senator and our Governor:

Resolved: We the citizens of Sunapee, NH believe in a New Hampshire that is just and fair. The property tax has become unjust and unfair. State leaders who take a pledge for no new taxes perpetuate higher and higher property taxes. We call on our
State Representatives, our State Senator and our Governor to reject the "Pledge",
Have and open discussion covering all options, and adopt a revenue system that lowers property taxes.  
By Petition.
Motion was made by Mary Epremian and seconded Betty Tatlock.
Mary Epremian said that elected officials are afraid if they do not take the pledge they will not be elected.  She feels the pledge is responsible for the excessive property tax we pay.  She wanted remind everyone when you take a pledge of no new taxes your property taxes will rise.  Steve White feels this will just shift burden from one entity to another.  He stated he has lived in several states and they all raised taxes in other areas and the property tax did not go down.  He believes we will lose control of how our money is spent, and urged voters vote no on this article.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 463        NO 197


Presently there is no restriction on the amount of the proposed budget that the
town and the School Department submit to the Voters of the Town of Sunapee
for their consideration when establishing the Town's annual budget. This
warrant would limit the increase in those - proposed budgets to not more that the
prior year's tax rate as adjusted by the Federal National Consumer Price Index.
A similar limitation would be imposed on the annual budget that is adopted by the Town Select board. The limitation on the annual budget can be overridden by a 2/3 vote
by the voters of Sunapee. Slightly different calculations of the limitation are
employed should the Town undergo a town-wide revaluation or if annual changes
in real estate values occur as a result of state assessing requirements.


a.      Limitation on budget increases. Recognizing that the final tax rates for
     the Town of Sunapee are set by the New Hampshire Department of
      Revenue Administration pursuant of RSA 21 J: 35,I the Town, the School
      Department and Town Selectmen of the Town of Sunapee will develop
     Their annual budget proposals and the Town selectboard will act upon such
      proposals in accordance with the mandates of this section.

Override Provision.  Budgetary restrictions described in any part of this
Warrant may be overridden upon a two thirds vote of the Voters' of the
       Town of Sunapee. Such an override expires following adoption of the
        annual budget. Subsequent budgets or supplemental appropriations
       require additional two-thirds override votes, or the limitations expressed
       below will apply.

1. In submitting their budgets, the Town and the School Department
will not propose total expenditures in an amount exceeding the tax rate
established during the prior fiscal year increased by a factor equal to the
change in the National Consumer Price Index-urban as published by the
United States Department of Labor for the calendar year immediately
preceding the year of the budget adoption.

2. In establishing a combined town budget an estimated property tax rate
only in an amount not to exceed the tax rate established during the prior
fiscal year increased by a factor equal to the change in the National Price
Index - urban as published by the United States Department of Labor for the
calendar year immediately preceding the year of the budget adoption.

B. Exception to budget increase limitation. Capital expenditures and the
total or any part of the principal and interest payments of any municipal
bond, whether established for school or municipal purposes, may be
accepted from being included in the expenditures that are subject to the
prior limitation upon a two-thirds vote of the town. The exception made under
this section shall expire upon adoption of the budget for the next budget
year, unless Town Select Board notes a two-thirds majority to renew the
exception for the next budget year.

C. Budget limitation in revaluation year. When the Town accepts an
increase in real estate values as the result of a Town wide revaluation, the
Town shall adhere to a maximum increase in the combined real estate tax
revenues as follows: The combined real estate taxes raised from the prior
budget year shall be increased by a factor no more than the change in the
National Consumer Price Index-urban as published by the United States
Department of Labor for the calendar year immediately preceding budget
operation, then this figure shall be used in establishing the new combined
municipal budget.

D. Budget limitation with annual changes in assessments. When annual
changes in real estate values occur as a result of State Of New Hampshire
assessing requirements, the Town Select Board shall adhere to a maximum
increase in the combined real estate revenues as follows:

1. The combined real estate taxes from the prior year shall be increased
by a  factor of no more than the change in the National Consumer Price
Index - Urban as published by the United States Department of Labor for the
calendar year  immediately preceding budget adoption, plus real estate taxes
calculated by applying the prior year real estate tax rate to the net increase in
new construction. "Net increase in new construction" is defined as: the total
dollar value of building permits less total dollar value of demolition permits
issued for the period of                    Preceding budget adoption.

E. Total expenditures for any given budget year shall not exceed the
amount of funds reasonably calculated to be derived by the tax rate
established pursuant to Paragraph A. 2 herein, increased by the other revenues
generated by the Town.  
By petition.
Motion was made by Shaun Carroll and seconded by Judy Trow.
Shaun Carroll explained the many flaws in the article as Sunapee has a School District not a School Department and that Sunapee is a town and not a city.  Donna Nashawaty explained the town's position and would be impossible to enforce.  The following amendment was offered:
Shall the Town of Sunapee place a tax cap on Town spending based upon the annual national consumer price index?  This article shall be deemed to be advisory only and a sense of the meeting resolution because the article is unenforceable and non-binding under state law.
A motion to accept the amendment was made by Shaun Carroll and seconded by Judy Trow.  The moderator asked for further questions or discussions being none, the article was moved to the official ballot.
*YES 376        NO 279

Motion to adjourn the Deliberative Session was made by Fred Gallup and seconded by Richard Leone at 10:10 p.m.

                Betty H. Ramspott, Town Clerk